Sunday, July 6, 2014

Make a Schedule

Hey crafters!!! Today on the schedule, we're making a schedule! :D Also, I just realized a spelled schedule wrong. :(
This is super easy, fun to do with younger siblings or with yourself.
Time: 5-10 minutes.
What you need:
-Hi-Polymer Eraser
-Construction Paper

Pick the color you want the background to be.

Title it!

You can set it up anyway you want!

Tape it to a wall/desk/closet/door. I taped mine on my closet, but I might move it to my desk.

Make sure you use your pencil to write in your schedule.

Easy as 1 2 3!!!
-Careful when tearing out the paper.
-Only use pencil and the Hi-Polymer eraser. The Hi-Polymer eraser erases all markings of a pencil so you can reuse this.
-Only tape it to something you are allowed to tape to.
Happy Crafting,

1 comment:

  1. Good tutorial. I think I'll use it for my blog schedule!


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